As Coronavirus Spreads, RPV Works on Contingency Plan for State Convention

Republican Party of Virginia

March 12, 2020

From: Jack R. Wilson, III, Chairman

Dear Republican Party Leaders,

After the President’s remarks last night, you’re undoubtedly aware that COVID-19, the coronavirus that the World Health Organization has labeled a pandemic, may be impacting our work as we organize our mass meetings, canvasses, and conventions.

With respect to the State Convention and District Conventions, we are developing a contingency plan in the event that they can not be held as originally scheduled. The State Central Committee’s Executive Committee will meet by conference call next Wednesday in preparation for the State Central Committee meeting scheduled for March 28, at which we hope to adopt our contingency plan for those events.

As you consider how to proceed with your mass meetings, canvasses, and unit conventions, I encourage you to act responsibly. The Virginia Department of Health has counseled that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to making a decision about community events and gatherings. I encourage you to consult their advice ( ), as well as that of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( ). Pay particular attention to sections about large gatherings and community events.

Generally, your events will not have more than 1,000 people, nor will they last very long, so it may be appropriate to proceed. If you do, you should definitely follow important recommendations, including (1) encouraging anyone who is sick not to attend, (2) having appropriate supplies, such as hand sanitizer, tissues, and available sinks with soap, (3) use social distancing strategies, such as a no-handshaking rule and providing plenty of room so attendees aren’t required to be in close quarters. Pay particular attention to reducing the need to pass documents back and forth and be sure to clean surfaces where documents are distributed or displayed (e.g., showing a driver’s license to a registration official, rather than passing it to them to inspect).

Thank you for your continued leadership of our Party. I know this is a trying time, but, working thoughtfully together with a spirit of cooperation, I am confident that we will have a successful reorganization and nominating process that will lead us to success in November.
Should you have any questions about procedural issues under the Party Plan, please feel free to reach out to our general counsel, Chris Marston, by e-mail at [email protected] (do note that he is a volunteer and is facing many requests for assistance from units around the state).


Jack R. Wilson, III Chairman

The Richard D. Obenshain Center • 115 East Grace Street • Richmond, Virginia 23219 804-780-0111 • FAX: 804-343-1060


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