Nashville Strong

Nashville had multiple tornadoes hit during the night of March 3, destroying portions of downtown Nashville and to the east and west of the city. The latest count had 24 dead before the sad news late Friday night that the remains of a missing 15-month-old child had been found as search and recovery continued. Dozens of buildings have collapsed. Power outages were widespread. Schools are closed. Stories of the victims have made their way to the newspapers.

I’m interested because it’s not that far from Virginia to Middle Tennessee. Besides, our daughter and her husband live in the suburbs south of Nashville so this affects them even if they were not in the tornadoes’ paths.

There are local connections here in the Shenandoah Valley as well that extend to that unique music world — Staunton’s Statler Brothers … Harold and Don Reid’s sons Wil and Langdon with their country group, Wilson Fairchild … Sen. Emmett Hanger has picked a guitar a time or two down that way. So there’s a connection between here and there.

Our son-in-law’s downtown company is helping tornado victims; our daughter is volunteering at the Community Resource Center. Singer Taylor Swiff who lives in Nashville has donated $1 million to the cause, and I’m sure there are many others who are doing the same. Chick-fil-A has been in the streets giving away chicken sandwiches. Volunteers are helping however they are needed.

And that’s what they need. Help.

If you are interested in doing something for Nashville, here is information about what is needed or where to send financial donations. There are Nashville Strong t-shirts that had raised $60,000 three days ago (I don’t have an updated number) and are available online at Proceeds of the $30 shirts are going to Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.

Americans are generous. Nashville residents go over and beyond, and they are resilient. Tennessee will rebound. But they’ve got some rough ground to cover in the days ahead. Our prayers for the families of those who lost their lives and all who were affected by Monday night’s disaster. #NashvilleStrong


-USA Today: ‘The incredible spirit of Nashville’: Grit and hope amid the grief after deadly Tennessee tornadoes

-WKRN: Before and After: A look at Nashville tornado outbreak damage

-WHIO: Tennessee tornadoes: NWS confirms two twisters, one with path more than 50 miles

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