Renovations at Big Meadows Lodge

Big Meadows Lodge isn’t set to reopen for the season until Friday, May 1, but there are big changes going on that will greet folks visiting in 2020.

Located at Milepost 51 along Skyline Drive, this historic and scenic lodge in Shenandoah National Park is a destination for thousands throughout the season that runs through Sunday, November 5.

Some of the renovations and updates visitors can expect to see, as listed by the National Park Service, include:

-A brand new roof with all new copper trim.

-Renovated chimneys in the Spottswood Dining Room and select guest rooms.

-Restored hardwood floors in the Spottswood Dining Room.

-Hardwood floors in our main lodge rooms – original where possible and brand new in areas where the original floors couldn’t be restored.

-New linens throughout the lodge and in all guest rooms.

-A new look for our New Market Taproom, including restored rock walls, a new tree trunk bar top, new tables and chairs and new hardwood floors. And, we’re extending service hours to 2:00-11:00 PM daily so you can enjoy our new pizzas and other delicious offerings.

-New exit doors in our preferred rooms to enhance your experience and safety.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for the National Park Service’s 2020 fee-free days:

-January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

-April 18: First Day of National Park Week/Junior Ranger Day

-June 20: Neighbor Appreciation Day

-August 25: National Park Service Birthday

-September 26: National Public Lands Day

-November 11: Veterans Day

Virginians have a jewel in their backyard. Now there’s even more incentive to visit.

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