Simpkins: 2A Sanctuary Passed in Buena Vista

By Christopher Simpkins

November 5, 2019, is a day that I will never forget. It was a day in which the Democratic Party took control of the Virginia General Assembly.

This was much more than just a loss for the Republican Party. It was also a day that the Democratic Party came to light with their real intentions. Intentions that many of us knew were there for quite some time but, without the backing to go forward with it, they had never shown their true hand until this point.

For the past several years we have all heard the statements being made about “common sense gun laws” and universal background checks, Red Flag laws and many others, yet we didn’t foresee an attempt here in the Commonwealth coming so fast or abruptly. It seemed as if overnight all of us as law-abiding legal gun owners’ worst nightmares had come true.

It was almost as if we woke up in California or New York. An incoming General Assembly that looked to subvert our basic rights and civil liberties with a stroke of the pen. Where had the heritage and basic fundamentals which we all cared so much for in this great state gone?

The truth of the matter at hand is that none of these laws have worked at any time when enacted in other states or countries. Digging deeper into the numbers these efforts are actually counterproductive when it comes to saving lives and making individuals safer.

Taking firearms from law abiding citizens has proven to only do one thing and that is produce more victims, something the criminals love since they don’t care about the law in the first place. Then again these efforts are coming from the same people who believe in infanticide, the people who believe it is morally okay to kill their own child up until the time of birth.

They are telling us that giving up our firearms is something we should feel morally obligated to do even if it saves just one life. This is the type of hypocritical thinking we are dealing with because if they gave the slightest bit of consideration for human life they would be calling for a stop to the slaughtering of their own children and not pushing for things such as full term abortion.

Let’s just be honest on this matter and not muddy the waters of this topic with political correctness. Gun control and especially the efforts of Ralph Northam, Mark Herring, and many members of the incoming General Assembly is nothing more than control. Just take the word gun out of it.

Many statements have been made which show their real intentions. We as gun owners are dealing with taxation without representation here. The political elite are self-serving and unwilling to do the will of the people. It’s almost as if the redcoats had returned to try their hand once again at disarming us but in a different costume.

Throughout the past few months, though, we have seen something great come to fruition in this state. That is the Second Amendment Sanctuary movement and the solidarity amongst gun owners despite their political affiliation. With that being said you still have the extreme left who follow blindly despite all the facts but for the first time in many years I have seen individuals on both sides of the political spectrum beginning to come together in unity and speak up to protect their God given rights.

As I write this, well over one hundred localities have passed resolutions across the Commonwealth to uphold and defend the Constitution of this great state and nation. Other states are following suit and passing similar resolutions in hopes of making the same political stand.

The 2A Sanctuary movement has gained such a strong following in part to the great leadership we have amassed across the state during this time. Individuals who historically had been quiet even on matters that were important to them decided that enough was enough. This has become the biggest fight in many individuals’ lives because we all know that the Second Amendment is the only thing that comes between a free people and all out tyranny. It is what protects every other right we enjoy.

As I helped to lead the 2A movement in my own community of Buena Vista, I found myself going up against opposition from individuals and attorneys who would try to water down the strength of the message which the community wanted sent to Richmond by our adopted resolution.

When I started looking for help I didn’t have to look very far. Jennifer Brown, who serves as Chair for the Sixth District Republican Committee, came looking for me and wanted to help in any way possible. Her efforts in assisting and giving guidance were the determining factor in helping to pass the resolution in my community with a unanimous vote.

A city council that we thought would only vote 4-3 in favor at the time of the meeting ended up voting all in favor and adopted a resolution similar to what was passed in Tazewell County minus the militia portion. Which until this point has been touted as the strongest resolution passed anywhere in the State of Virginia and laying the groundwork for many to be passed across the nation as other states follow.

In my opinion I believe we here in the Sixth District are very fortunate to have Jennifer Brown as our Chair for the GOP but also as such a caring individual for the rights of all. This is a matter that hits hard across party lines despite political affiliations. She has fought and assisted within every locality that falls within the boundaries of the Sixth, spending countless hours driving, attending meetings, and giving guidance for the common good of all citizens’ rights. She single-handedly became the face for this movement in the Sixth and I hope to see her continue this fight and her political career for many years
to come.

With all that being said I am ecstatic to finally see the people making a stand against an overreaching government here in Virginia. For far too long we have laid dormant and allowed the left to push us around. I believe this was the last straw and the turning point for the Republican Party. Let’s hope that the involvement and pride in our beliefs carries into the next election and we show Richmond that they have awakened a slumbering giant with their disregard for our opinions and God given rights.

Christopher Simpkins is a 30-year-old Virginia native from the small town of Buena Vista. A former small business owner and CFO at TDM Inc., he is an avid gun collector and advocate for the 2nd amendment.

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