Part 1: RPV Advance 2019 Podcast Interviews – Congressman Denver Riggleman



Hello Bearing Drift Readers!

We are happy to bring you our interviews from the 2019 Republican Party of Virginia Advance. Our first interview is with a friend of this website, Congressman Denver Riggleman (R-5th CD). He was enjoying his hospitality suite and joked with supporters as he took on bartending duties, but there is a serious side to Riggleman. You get him in interview mode, and it’s all business.

This interview was conducted after 11:00PM, Denver had a full day in his district before driving to the Homestead, spoke at the opening reception, and then hosted his party for two hours, but that did not matter. He was on his A-game as he discussed trade policy and campaign issues effortlessly even though it was late.

We hope you enjoy the first interview of our 2019 RPV Advance series!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting
Congressman Denver Riggleman talks with a visitor to his hospitality suite during the 2019 Republican Advance. (Photo by Lynn R. Mitchell)


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