House Speaker Kirk Cox’s Statement on the Passing of Delegate Alan Diamonstein

Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox issued the following statement Thursday after the passing of Delegate Alan Diamonstein. Delegate Diamonstein served in the House of Delegates from 1968 to 2002, including as Chairman of the Committee on General Laws. 

“I am sad to hear about the passing of Delegate Diamonstein. He was a sincere gentleman who understood and appreciated the House as an institution. He was part of a generation of House members known for their sharp but cordial style of debate on the floor, bolstered by quick tongues and a strong sense of humor.

“Delegate Diamonstein was a hard-working legislator. He was widely-respected for his work as an advocate for higher education as a budget conferee. While we did not always agree on issues, I knew his work ethic and passion for public policy to be genuine.

“The entire House of Delegates mourns his passing, and we send our deepest sympathies to his family.”

Background: Former delegate Alan Diamonstein – powerful lawmaker from Newport News – dies at 88

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