Two Special Forces Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

Two U.S. Special Forces soldiers were killed during combat operations Wednesday in the northwestern Farvab province of Afghanistan.

The two Green Berets, Master Sgt. Luis F. DeLeon-Figueroa, 31, of Chicopee, Massachusetts, and Master Sgt. Jose J. Gonzalez, 35, of La Puente, California, were assigned to 7th Special Forces Group out of Eglin Air Force Base in Florida. They were posthumously promoted to master sergeant.

Col. John W. Sannes, 7th Group commander, released a statement:

“It was an honor having them serve within the ranks of 7th SFG (A). They were a part of our family, and will not be forgotten. Our priority is to now provide the best possible care to the families of our fallen warriors. We ask that you keep their families and teammates in your thoughts and prayers.”

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