Bearing Drift Welcomes Four New Writers

Bearing Drift welcomes four new writers to our outstanding group of authors covering Virginia politics and beyond. Each is experienced in various aspects of the political scene in the Commonwealth and brings those observations and insights with them.

Founded in 2004 by J.R. Hoeft, Bearing Drift is Virginia’s premiere conservative web site. It is part of the Virginia Line Media LLC group, which includes The Jeffersoniad website, and our regionally syndicated radio show The Score.

Andrea Epps

Andrea Epps is a part-time land use consultant, full-time mother, and her mother’s caregiver. Her hobbies are centered on her family, land use, politics, and working on the second rebuild of her 40’ 1973 MCI Bus. She is fiercely independent and enjoys a unhealthy obsession with creating obscure legal arguments.

Kristina Nohe

Kristina Nohe is a political activist, adoption advocate, and homeschooling mom who is proud to be from Prince William County but does not suffer fools lightly or quietly. She has been involved in Republican politics for over twenty years, was a member of RPV State Central Committee, and is a graduate of the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership Program.

Will Shewmake

Will Shewmake is a long-time member of the Chesterfield County Republican Committee and veteran volunteer for many campaigns. A graduate of William and Mary where he majored in philosophy and government, he is of counsel with the law firm Woods Rogers PLC in its Richmond office. All views Will expresses are his own and are not attributed to his firm.

John Hardy Willson

John Hardy Willson was born and raised in Vienna, Virginia. After graduating from James Madison High School, he attended the University of Alabama where he earned his Bachelor’s Degree in History with a minor in English. John is also a graduate of the CLP/PLP Programs at the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership. A former Republican Party officer, John is now an Independent. A veteran of numerous political campaigns, non-profits, and PACs, he has over a decade of experience in both IT consulting and the healthcare industry.


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