Official Statement on Shooting in Virginia Beach from Governor Northam

Governor Ralph Northam issued the following statement Friday regarding the shooting that took place at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center.

“This is a horrific day for the Commonwealth of Virginia. We are devastated by the tragic shooting in Virginia Beach. I am in Virginia Beach with law enforcement authorities and Mayor Dyer, where I am monitoring the situation and offer the state’s full support.

“My deepest condolences and prayers go to the families of those who left home this morning, and will not return tonight, as well as those who have been injured in this tragedy.

“This is unspeakable, senseless violence. I commend local and state law enforcement, first responders, medical teams, and all others who acted swiftly to respond to this situation. My thoughts continue to be with the victims and their families.”

-The Virginian Pilot: 13 dead in shooting at Virginia Beach Municipal Center
-New York Times: Virginia Beach Shooting; 12 Killed in Rampage at Municipal Center
-AP News: The Latest: Police: Virginia victims on 3 floors, 1 outside
-CNN: At least 12 dead after disgruntled employee opens fire at Virginia Beach municipal center

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