Staunton City Council Votes to Lower Real Estate Tax Rate

“This is truly a monumental moment for this council,” said council member Andrea Oakes. “We are doing this to try and take the edge off of the assessments. So I will be supporting this budget.”

Staunton City Council rolled back the city’s real estate tax at their meeting last week. Originally at 97 cents per $100, council voted to reduce the rate to 95 cents per $100.

Reporter Julia Fair at the Staunton News Leader wrote:

If Staunton kept its real estate tax rate at 97 cents per $100, residents’ bills would have increased because their home values increased. The reduction to 95 cents per $100 still means an increased bill for some, but council hopes the burden will be reduced.

Surrounding localities pay 90 cents per $100 in Waynesboro and 63 cents per $100 in Augusta County.

Read more at the News Leader.

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