Schilling Show Wins Multiple Associated Press Broadcast Awards

At their annual Virginias AP Broadcasters Awards, the Associated Press (AP) has again recognized The Schilling Show and host Rob Schilling with awards in multiple categories for his work in 2018.

Competing in the “Radio II” division, The Schilling Show received the following citations:

Multimedia/Online Journalism: First Place
Sex Toys and Graphic Sexual Technique Instruction in Ninth Grade Girls Classroom

Investigative Reporting: First Place
Dirty Little Secret: ‘Retired’ Charlottesville Police Chief Still Receiving $135,000 Salary Unbeknownst to Public or the Charlottesville City Council

Douglas Southall Freeman Award: First Place
Savage Beating: The Ongoing Problem of Bullying in Charlottesville City Schools

The Virginias AP Broadcasters Awards covers television and radio broadcasting in both Virginia and West Virginia. The Awards Luncheon was held April 6, 2018, at The Greenbrier Resort.

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