Statement of Speaker Kirk Cox About the Retirement of Del. Brenda Pogge

Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Heights) issued the following statement on the retirement of Delegate Brenda Pogge:

“Brenda has been a steadfast leader on conservative issues as a member of the House of Delegates for more than a decade. She has served the people of the 96th District well and we are grateful for her service to her constituents.

“Brenda has consistently defended and advanced conservative principles and policies. She was guided by her deep and abiding faith, encouraging prayer among her colleagues by leading the Virginia Legislative Prayer Caucus. Her faith has been inspiring to me and many others.

“I will miss seeing Brenda and her husband Roger in Richmond, but wish her well as she begins this new chapter in her life. We are confident that we will elect a strong Republican to succeed Brenda as the Delegate from the 96th House District.”

Background: Del. Brenda Pogge Announces Retirement From House

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