51 by 51: Passed a Conservative and Balanced Budget

From Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox’s office (R-Colonial Heights)….

The Virginia House of Delegates is continuing to highlight 51 unique accomplishments of the 51 members of the Republican-led House of Delegates from the 2019 General Assembly session.

The final piece of legislation we passed just this past Sunday was a conservative and balanced budget. The budget is the most important responsibility of the General Assembly.

We balanced the budget as our constitution requires without raising taxes, unwinding over $1 billion in new spending proposed by Governor Northam and the Democrats. Our budget deposits an additional $565.5 in the Revenue Reserve Fund bringing our total cash reserves to $1.45 billion. This reflects the prudent and responsible long-term approach Virginia takes to its finances.

In addition to teacher pay raises, the budget builds on our multi-year efforts to responsibly invest in a stronger economy by supporting major economic development deals, provides $19 million ($15m new) for broadband funding, includes $57 million to freeze tuition at our colleges and universities, increases funding for financial aid by $16 million and increases workforce grant spending to $13.5 million per year.

The final budget also includes strong language to prohibit taxpayer funding for abortion and prohibit funding to organizations like Planned Parenthood.

All 51 members were proud to vote for this conservative budget that funds the core functions of government and returns excess revenues to taxpayers.

See other “51 by 51” posts….

The Virginia House Republican Agenda

Pay Raises for Teachers

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