Cox Announces House Budget Conferees

Press release from House Speaker Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Heights)….

Virginia House of Delegates Speaker Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Heights) on Thursday named House Appropriations Committee Chairman S. Chris Jones (R-Suffolk), Steve Landes (R-Augusta), Chris Peace (R-Hanover), Barry Knight (R-Virginia Beach), Scott Garrett (R-Lynchburg), Luke Torian (D-Prince William), and Mark Sickles (D-Arlington) to the conference committee for the state budget bill, House Bill 1700. The House conferees will negotiate with the Senate on the final budget conference reports.

“Our team is a dedicated group of conferees who will work together to reach a final balanced and responsible budget,” said Speaker Cox. “This team will be able to articulate the House of Delegates’ position clearly to our Senate colleagues as we begin to finalize the budget. I am grateful for all of their hard work on behalf of the House and the people of Virginia. I encourage our conferees to begin to work with their Senate colleagues as quickly as possible so we can reach a final agreement on the budget.”

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