Virginia Governor Declares State of Emergency for Winter Storm

Virginia Governor Ralph Northam declared a state of emergency Saturday in advance of winter weather including snow, ice, and high winds throughout much of the Commonwealth this weekend. The forecast may result in downed trees and power outages.

A state of emergency allows the Commonwealth to mobilize resources and to deploy people and equipment to assist in response and recovery efforts. This action does not apply to individuals or private businesses.

The executive order is designed to help Virginia mitigate any damage caused by the winter weather event and to streamline the process that the Commonwealth uses to provide assistance to localities and communities impacted by storm effects.

To learn more about how to prepare yourself, your family and your business for winter weather, visit For real-time traffic conditions anywhere in the state, dial 5-1-1 or visit

The forecast for various areas of the Commonwealth calls for snow, sleet, ice, and rain. See for more information.

To read the full text of the order, visit

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