Today’s Special Election: Joe May, Jennifer Boysko Vie for State Senate Seat – Updated

Today’s Special Election in State Senate District 33 is today as voters decide between Republican Joe T. May and Democrat Jennifer Boysko.

In November Joe May won the Republican mass meeting for the open seat vacated when the Democratic incumbent, Jennifer Wexton, won the 10th Congressional District seat.

The senate district has been trending blue in recent elections.

May, CEO and founder of Leesburg-based tech firm EIT, represented the 33rd District in the House of Delegates from 1994 through 2014. His extensive experience includes transportation as well as science and technology.

Republican State Senate Majority Leader Thomas K. Norment Jr. (R-James City) noted, “Joe May has the experience and qualifications to be an effective senator from day one, and he is the best choice to represent the people of Loudoun and Fairfax in the Senate of Virginia.”

“His extensive and intricate knowledge of transportation, technology, and business,” Norment continued, “make him the clearly superior choice in this election.”

The 33rd Senate District includes portions of Fairfax and Loudoun Counties.

Update:  Results are in from all 55 precincts, and the District remains blue. Many thanks to Joe May for running for the GOP.

Joe T. May
6,373 30.12%
Jennifer B. Boysko
14,762 69.76%
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