Former Delegate David Ramadan Considers Running for Dick Black Senate Seat

Former delegate David Ramadan is considering returning to the General Assembly, writes reporter Danielle Nadler at Loudoun Now.  The open seat that he is eyeing in the 13th Senate District is currently held by State Senator Dick Black (R) who announced earlier this week that he will not seek re-election in November.

Ramadan previously served in the 87th House District from 2012-16.

Ramadan told Loudoun Now that he just wants a good candidate in the race, “particularly a centrist Republican. He named Supervisors Ron A. Meyer Jr. (R-Broad Run) and Matthew F. Letourneau (R-Dulles) as other potential candidates.”

Three Democrats have already announced their intentions to run for the nomination.

The District covers parts of Loudoun and Prince William counties.



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