Races to Watch

Pay attention, political junkies. Two exciting panel events are being offered by the Richmond Times-Dispatch that will feature their political news team as well as statewide political experts. They both sound like excellent events for political nerds like Bearing Drift’s entire writing team.

The RTD’s email noted, “In our new Virginia Politics Insider event series, you’ll get the latest on Virginia’s big races. The Richmond Times-Dispatch political news team will be joined by statewide experts for two panel discussions about key races ahead of the November election.”

The first event is for breakfast on Thursday, September 13, from 7:45-9:00 a.m., at the Junior Achievement Finance Park, and provides free parking. The panelists will be Andrew Cain (RTD Editor – Politics), Michael Martz (RTD reporter – Web), Graham Moomaw (RTD reporter), Jeff Schapiro (RTD reporter), Patrick Wilson (RTD reporter), and Dr. Bob Holsworth (veteran political analyst and former Virginia Commonwealth University dean).

The second event includes beer/wine and light hors d’oeuvres and is on Thursday, October 11, from 5:30-8:00 p.m. at Dominion Payroll in Richmond. Free parking will be available. The panelists will be Andrew Cain (RTD Editor – Politics), Michael Martz (RTD Reporter – Web), Graham Moomaw (RTD reporter), Jeff Schapiro (RTD reporter), Patrick Wilson (RTD reporter), and Geoffrey Skelley (Associate Editor of Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics).

Click here for information on ticket prices and more information.

This sounds like a solid event from the Times-Dispatch and an opportunity for their political reporters to share and interact with those who follow politics.

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