Memorial Day 2018 … America Pauses to Honor Sacrifices

World War I Dough Boy tombstone for Russell Snyder, located in Green Hill Cemetery, Churchville, Virginia. Born Aug 30, 1892, died Oct 8, 1918. Pvt, 11 Co CAC, Fort Mott, Salem, NJ. The statue is extremely detailed and must have cost a great deal of money. Here is a better photo of the dough boy tombstone.


Memorial Day observance on Sunday, May 27, at historic Green Hill Cemetery in western Augusta County, Virginia, a local commemoration held annually as a reminder of why we honor America’s fallen soldiers on this day of remembrance. 

Lest we forget….

Remembering the Horrors of War
During the Bataan Death March and Occupation

The press and public are cordially invited to attend the

Brief, Evening
Churchville Community
Memorial-Day-Sunday Observance
With Military Honors

4:30 P.M.
May 27, 2018
Green Hill Cemetery
298 Green Hill Lane,
Churchville, Virginia 24421

A tangible reminder of why we remember all fallen soldiers on Memorial Day …
a local family’s contribution to the defense of the Philippines
during the Japanese invasion at the beginning of World War II.


BRIEF NARRATION: Edward Latham, interviewer of Bob Johns before the Veteran’s death.

BRIEF SURVIVOR’S STATEMENT: Excerpted from the recorded interview of Bob Johns regarding his experience of the Japanese invasion



Info: William Bear ([email protected])

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