Orrin Hatch Announces Retirment from Senate; Will Mitt Romney Run? Updated

The rumors that have circulated for months were confirmed Tuesday when U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch, 83, a Republican from Utah, announced he would not seek reelection after 40 years in Congress.

“Every good fighter knows when to hang up the gloves,” he said in the two-minute video (above) that was posted on his Twitter account.

The rumors of Mitt Romney getting into the race if Hatch decided not to seek reelection have been out there for a while. There was also talk that Donald Trump had tried to talk Hatch into staying on to avoid the possibility of having Romney in the Senate.

Now wouldn’t that be a nice thing to see? Mitt Romney — man of character with experience and respect for the rule of law — serving in Congress.

Bring it.

Updated: Mitt Romney responds on Twitter …

… and Facebook:

I join the people of Utah in thanking my friend, Senator Orrin Hatch for his more than forty years of service to our great state and nation. As Chairman of the Senate Finance and Judiciary Committees and as the longest-serving Republican Senator in U.S. history, Senator Hatch has represented the interests of Utah with distinction and honor. Ann and I wish Senator Orrin Hatch and his loving wife Elaine all the best in their future endeavors.

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