Chaz Haywood Considers 6th Congressional District Run

Chaz Haywood, who has been part of the political scene in the central Shenandoah Valley for almost 20 years and is currently the Rockingham Clerk of Court, put out feelers on Facebook Saturday about the possibility of throwing his name into the 6th Congressional District race.

Congressman Bob Goodlatte recently announced he would not run for reelection in 2018.

Two candidates, Delegate Ben Cline (R-24th House) of Lexington and RPV National Committeewoman Cynthia Dunbar of Lynchburg, have already announced their intentions to seek the GOP nomination.

Chaz has worked in the past as the local representative for Senator George Allen from 2001 through 2007, and Congressman Bob Goodlatte from 1997 through 2001.

The message, as shared by Chaz:

Dear Friends,

In the past few days, I’ve spoken with many of you about the possibility of running to represent the people of the sixth district of Virginia in the United States Congress. I’ve been honored to serve our community for nearly two decades – as Rockingham County’s Clerk of the Court, as your local liaison to Congressman Bob Goodlatte and Senator George Allen, and as noncommissioned officer in the Virginia Army National Guard. Most importantly, as a proud father to three beautiful daughters, my family and I have been blessed with opportunities to enjoy all that the Valley offers – from volunteering with local civic organizations to kayaking on the Shenandoah.

Indeed, it’s because I’ve been so blessed to be part of this community that I wish to continue to serve. To work alongside our men and women in uniform to ensure they have the resources to keep us safe. To advocate for education at all levels, guaranteeing that teachers and parents have the support necessary to prepare our youth for the future. To provide access to legal services, mental health, and fair representation for each and every individual in our district.

We’ve been fortunate to have a Congressman who has listened and led with integrity and conviction, and I take seriously – and humbly – this decision to continue Congressman Goodlatte’s legacy of service as I represent your values in Washington. As such, I’ll be spending time in prayer and reflection with my family over the weekend.

I plan to make a formal announcement on Tuesday, November 21.

All my best,


Other names have been heard as considering the position so there may be more Republican candidates to emerge in the days ahead. Two Democrats and one Independent have also announced.

From what he has written, Chaz will announce on Tuesday whether he will run, or not, to represent the 6th District in Congress.


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