Rasmussen Poll Says Virginia Governor Race Is Dead Even

Yet another poll for the Virginia governor’s race was released on Friday, this one from the folks at Rasmussen, who have the race tied in the poll that was conducted October 31-November 3:

Ed Gillespie (R): 45 percent
Ralph Northam (D): 45 percent
Cliff Hyra (L): 2 percent
Other: 2 percent
Undecided: 6 percent
Margin of error: +/- 3.5 percent

In the bellwether race, all eyes of the nation are on the close race.

Other findings from the poll:

Trump influence:

  • Voters who say they are more likely to vote because of Donald Trump in White House: 39 percent
  • Voters less like to vote because of Donald Trump: 10 percent
  • Voter who say Trump has no impact on decision to vote: 50 percent
  • Among voters more likely to vote because of Trump, Northam leads 58-35 percent

Go here for more information on the Rasmussen poll.

The election is November 7.

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