Gillespie Picks Up Endorsements

Newspapers across the Commonwealth began releasing their endorsements over the weekend and Republican gubernatorial nominee Ed Gillespie picked up the Richmond Times-Dispatch as well as others.

With only a week left until the election, expect more polling and more endorsements.

Endorsements so far:

Winchester Star:
“to us this is by no means a close call…We endorse Ed Gillespie.”

Richmond Times-Dispatch:
“As governor, [Gillespie] will deliver on Virginia’s potential. He has earned our confident endorsement.”

National Review:
“Gillespie is running on a serious, forward-looking conservative agenda.”

“we believe Ed Gillespie is the right gubernatorial candidate to get Virginia growing again.”

Bluefield Daily Telegraph:
“Republican Ed Gillespie is the clear choice for a more prosperous Commonwealth.”

Election Day is November 7.

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