Early Autumn Comes to Highland County

If you’re an autumn leaf peeper, it’s time to get to the mountains. In what had been shaping up to be an early color season, a prolonged dry spell slowed down the process and made some wonder if the leaves were just going to shrivel up and drop to the ground without the gorgeous annual palate of reds, golds, oranges, and yellows.

But heavy rains that moved into western Virginia earlier this week saved the day, and saved the autumn show.

On Tuesday Mr. Mitchell and I took advantage of the break between rain storms to drive west into Highland County. Just a week earlier we had checked out Highland and eastern West Virginia and there was not much color to see. A week later that had changed a bit but a lot of green was still visible.

Now at the end of the week cooler temperatures have returned and word is the colors are beginning to make their move. High mountain ranges in West Virginia and western Highland are past peak but lower elevations are joining in on the show.

Earlier this week we noticed Highland County’s Jack Mountain had pops of beautiful flaming maples but hardwoods were still green. Some trees are already bare … perhaps poplars? Others are changing in an eclectic display … a maple that is brilliant orange-red beside another maple that is still green.

Next week’s temps in western Virginia will most likely bring frost, the first time this season, so look for quick turning and releasing at that point.

If you head to Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway this weekend, expect crowds. Everyone else wants to see the leaves, too.

Check out WHSV TV-3 for the latest on fall colors and some suggested drives to soothe the autumn lover’s soul.

Here are photos from this week’s back road travels….

Photos by Lynn R. Mitchell
October 10, 2017

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