Leahy: The 2018 Senate Race in Virginia Gets Slightly Clearer

There is speculation with Virginia’s 2018 U.S. Senate election about who will run under the Republican banner against incumbent Democratic Senator Tim Kaine:

Virginia’s 2018 Senate election is still a political lifetime away. But the race for the GOP nomination got a little clearer in recent days, with some possible contenders dropping out and the incumbent, Tim Kaine (D), making an unforced error.

The only Republican who has announced an intention to run against Kaine is Corey A. Stewart, the man I said gubernatorial nominee Ed Gillespie needed to weed out of the Virginia GOP.

Gillespie has yet to do so, in no small part because he desperately needs Stewart’s voters to have a chance of beating Democrat Ralph Northam in November.

While the pure politics of Gillespie’s reticence are understandable, it allows Stewart to continue without hindrance toward the GOP nomination.

His task got slightly easier last week.

In an interview with TheStreet’s Tracy Byrnes, former presidential candidate and Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina said she had “made a decision that I can actually make a bigger impact not running for the Senate but lifting up leaders wherever they are.”

Who else may be in the running? Read more at The Washington Post.

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