VPOD #15.17. Rep. Rob Wittman (VA-1)

Congressman Rob Wittman is a member of the House Armed Services Committee and chairman of the subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces. In this podcast, we talk about the collisions of the USS Fitzgerald (DDG 62) and USS John S. McCain (DDG 56) which cost the lives of 17 American Sailors, his trip to South Korea and Japan where he toured the DMZ at the 38th Parallel, and the state of Navy readiness. We also discussed recent North Korean aggression and their missile launches and the state of US Navy shipbuilding, including the plan to increase ship construction, with a specific interest in adding carriers and submarines to the fleet. Finally, we dive into the budget discussions coming up this September.

“[The House] passed a responsible and necessary Defense appropriations bill,” said Wittman. “I do think these appropriations passed out of the House do reflect a responsible effort to address the deficit and debt.”

Congressman Wittman will be leading hearings on the collisions beginning Sept. 7 with testimony from Vice Adm. Thomas Rowden, who oversees Navy readiness. You can watch the testimony on C-SPAN.

Upcoming Events of Note:

Sept. 7. Virginia Union University Gubernatorial Candidates Forum sponsored by the NAACP.
Sept. 16. Congressman Dave Brat and Congressman Rob Wittman at a Hanover County picnic with Republican candidates Ed Gillespie and Jill Vogel.
Sept. 19. Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce and George Mason University gubernatorial debate at Capital One headquarters in Tysons. Moderated by NBC journalist Chuck Todd, who hosts “Meet the Press.”

News Discussed:

Wittman Releases:

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