Comstock Has Another Challenger: Shak Hill

The 10th District was always going to be interesting for incumbent Republican Rep. Barbara Comstock. She has four Democrats already looking for the opportunity to take her on and all trying to portray her as one-in-the-same with Trump. Today, she gets a broadside from her right – Shak Hill.

Hill, who ran a challenging race for the GOP nomination for US Senate in 2014 against Ed Gillespie (note: Gillespie was cruising to a win with more than 60% of the vote when he ultimately won by acclimation), made his announcement today.

Specifically, Hill wants to portray himself as loyal to the president, with Comstock as an ineffective conservative.

“Barbara promised to repeal and replace Obamacare, but she lied to us and voted to keep it,” Hill said in his announcement. “The people elected Donald Trump as our president, and he is trying to drain the swamp and fix Washington. I agree with the president on his conservative initiatives. Barbara has been a major obstacle, and quite frankly, an embarrassing distraction.”

“I will help move the President’s agenda forward.”

The irony is that the four Democrats seem to attack Trump when running, implying a connection to Comstock, rather than addressing issues that face the 10th District.

Alison Friedman states: “Then came November, and a new president who leads with a fear that trickles down into classrooms and a cruelty that threatens our values, our health, our ability to provide for our families, and our national security.”

Lindsey Davis Stover, on putting the country first: “Now, there are explosive allegations of interference with the FBI’s investigation of Michael Flynn’s ties to Russia. There is one person at the middle of all these stunning developments — the President himself.”

Dan Helmer, on his priorities: “[Republicans] also continue to stymie efforts to investigate the links between Mr. Trump’s staff and the Russian government. America needs new leadership on Capitol Hill…”

Jennifer Wexton, on her ideology: “The resistance starts this year in Virginia…”

So, which is it? Is Comstock the bane of the president’s agenda or is she his doppelganger incarnate?

The reality is Comstock is doing what she has since she was elected: Representing her district.

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