VPOD: 2017 Virginia Primary Roundtable – Post Game Show

The dust is beginning to settle on yet another year of nomination contests with the Virginia Democratic and Republican Parties choosing their nominees for governor and lieutenant governor Tuesday.

The Virginia Public Access Project has all the detailed numbers on how state Sen. Ralph Northam (D) and Ed Gillespie (R) won their party’s nod for governor and how Justin Fairfax (D) and state Sen. Jill Vogel (R) are set to campaign for lieutenant governor. Incumbent Attorney General Mark Herring (D) and John Adams (R) secured the nomination for the Office of Attorney General earlier when no other candidates qualified for the ballot.

Helping breakdown the campaigns are BD’s editor-in-chief, Brian Schoeneman of Fairfax County, senior correspondent, Matt Hall from Roanoke and host, Jim Hoeft of Chesapeake. We also talk about our key moments and takeaways from the more than year-long contest and our expectations for the general election.


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