Announcing GOP LG Debate in Hampton Roads

Final Hampton Roads Lieutenant Gubernatorial Debate Hosted by Virginia’s GOP 3rd Congressional District Set for May 6 in Isle of Wight
~ Bearing Drift to Moderate; Exclusive Broadcast Partner ~

CHESAPEAKE, Va. – Candidates seeking the Republican nomination for Virginia Lieutenant Governor will participate in a debate Saturday, May 6, 1 pm at Charlie Daniels Racing, 20128 Isle of Wight Industrial Park Road in Smithfield hosted by the Republican 3rd Congressional District Committee.

Jim Hoeft of Bearing Drift will moderate the debate with panelists Travis Fain of The Daily Press, Tony Clark of Tidewater News and Windsor Weekly, and Diana McFarland of The Smithfield Times.

The debate will be recorded by Bearing Drift and released via the website at 5 pm.

In addition to a panel component, questions will also be selected from Bearing Drift’s Facebook and Twitter accounts (#BDdebate), as well as questions from the audience.

The event is free and open to the public; however, the venue is outdoors, seating is limited, and lawn chairs are recommended.

Besides the debate, the event will be emceed by radio personality Jimmie Ray Dunn. There will be a band along with food and drink vendors.

This will be the final debate held in Hampton Roads between State Del. Glenn Davis, State Sen. Bryce Reeves, and State Sen. Jill Vogel prior to the Republican Primary June 13.

– BD –

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