Riggleman Suspends Gubernatorial Campaign

Gubernatorial candidate Denver Riggleman has suspended his campaign for governor.

From the Richmond Times-Dispatch:

Nelson County distillery owner Denver Riggleman announced Thursday that he’s suspending his outsider campaign for governor.

“Based on business considerations, resource shortages, and family health issues, I have no other choice but to suspend my campaign for Governor effective today,” Riggleman said in a news release Thursday afternoon. “I want to thank everyone who has supported me, and particularly those that were willing to donate to our cause.”

Riggleman, who attended the Republican Advance in December and circulated his name, announced his candidacy in January. With Riggleman out, that leaves Ed Gillespie, Corey Stewart, and Frank Wagner to compete for the Republican nomination in the June primary.

Update #1: Denver Riggleman’s post on his Facebook page:

Unfortunately, I am ending my Campaign for Governor today. Our message was resonating around the state, we have been finishing atop almost every straw and online poll, we were catching fire. This has been amazing, but it’s not over yet.

Here is my statement on the matter:

“Based on business considerations, resource shortages, and family health issues, I have no other choice but to suspend my campaign for Governor today. I want to thank everyone who has supported me, and those that were willing to donate to our cause. Their sacrifices will not be in vein, because the Whiskey Rebellion will continue. Stay tuned.”

Update #2: Gubernatorial candidate Ed Gillespie released the following statement on the news of Denver Riggleman suspending his campaign:

“I’ve had the opportunity to spend time with Denver on the campaign trail and it confirmed for me what I thought when he got into this race: He is a good man who is concerned about the size and scope of government like I am. He has been a voice for Virginians who feel left behind and ignored by government, or worse.  I know that Denver will continue to find ways to serve our Commonwealth and our country.”

Update #3: This Washington Post article written last week by Laura Vozzella may shed some light on Riggleman’s decision.

Update #4: Corey Stewart has released a statement:

“I would like to congratulate Denver on a great race. He took the GOP establishment by storm and raised awareness on a host of important issues, most importantly the corruption in Richmond,” Stewart said.

“Denver’s fight against Dominion Power was spot on, as his effort was primarily driven by his distaste for Dominion Power’s strong control over Richmond,” Stewart said. “This is a fight I’ve also engaged in, and so I understand how hard a fight it is, and I hope Denver’s effort to keep Richmond honest won’t stop now.”  

“I would like to specifically mention Denver’s staff and volunteers. They are some of the hardest working people there are,” Stewart continued. “And no matter what happens this election, Denver’s #WhiskeyRebellion is alive, it is well, and it will continue,” Stewart concluded.

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