Bracket Challenge

It’s bracket time and now is your chance for bragging rights and the opportunity to be the best bracketologist in the conservative commonwealth.

Submit your picks in our annual “Adam Perry Challenge”.

Some really interesting things going on in this bracket: Virginia Tech is a 9 seed v. a Wisconsin team who was just knocked off by Michigan in the Big Ten championship and, should Tech win, they have the challenge of playing Villanova, the number one seed in the East Bracket. Should they get through those two rounds to the Sweet 16, guess who they meet, potentially? The Cavaliers! VCU is the 10th seed in the West Bracket, and that does it for Virginia colleges in the dance.

Regardless, if you’re an ACC, Big East, or Big Ten fan – plenty of teams to root for.

Or, you can just pick based on if you like the name or the color of the uniforms. Or you can be really lazy and just choose “auto-fill.”

As a little bit of a twist, for the first two rounds, you get additional points for the seed. So, if you choose a 10 seed to win, not only do you get the point for the win, but 10 extra points for the seed.

Besides bragging rights, we might award something more special – if we can figure out what that is. Any suggestions?

Regardless, get your picks in now because the games start Tuesday!

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