“This is a Stupid Plan”

“This is a stupid plan!”
 Tim Kaine, Mark Warner and Terry McAuliffe all sent out press releases moments after the GOP Affordable Care Act “Repeal and Replace” Plan was released.

Here’s the Cliff’s Notes version of their releases:

Watch clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKkeKMdO0ws

However, Republicans in the House did get the bill passed and Congressman Morgan Griffith was pretty pleased, at least with his work on the Energy and Commerce Committee:

“For 27 1/2 hours we fought, through the night, with Democrats trying to block us every step of the way. But in an open and transparent process, the Energy and Commerce Committee part of the repeal and replacement of Obamacare successfully passed through our committee!”
“Clearly the bill makes substantial improvements for American health care by repealing Obamacare, beginning the replacement process, and reforming Medicaid.”

Griffith also proposed a standalone bill that would allow states to implement work requirements for adults who are able to work in order to receive Medicaid.  According to his press release, there are exemptions included for those who are disabled, pregnant, or elderly.  There are also exemptions for those taking care of young or disabled children.  The bill leaves the specifics of the work requirements and the ability to administer the program to the states. 
Congressman Griffith said, “Medicaid is a safety net for those who need help, but it was never intended to be a long term benefit for abled bodied adults who choose not to work. For those that can’t find jobs, training programs, education, and job search assistance can be provided to help them meet the work requirement. This will allow recipients to move into a situation where they can better support themselves and their family so they no longer need the safety net of Medicaid.”
“Giving the states the option of utilizing work requirements allows states to use Medicaid funding to help folks take advantage of job training and secure jobs.  In addition, giving this ability to the states prevents the federal government from pushing a one size fits all solution and instead gives states flexibility to best utilize their funding and help those in need.”

GOP Gubernatorial Debate
 Republican GOP gubernatorial candidates gathered in front of about 75 people at Smith Mountain Lake to have a debate this week. The Roanoke Times has details. Bearing Drift is trying to organize a debate with all the candidates. Corey Stewart’s campaign has accepted the offer.

On the Ballot….
The Republican Party of Virginia has announced several candidates who have qualified for the June primary by submitting the requisite petition signatures:

Ed Gillespie
Corey Stewart

Lt. Governor
Bryce Reeves
Glenn Davis

Attorney General
John Adams

Additionally, Del. Rob Bell has been named this week as the House of Delegates Republican Caucus Campaign Chairman.

“The Republican Majority in the House of Delegates has a strong record of results in Virginia. We will take our message of governing with our record of results to all corners of the Commonwealth.” said Bell.

About that Border….
Congressman Bob Goodlatte said this week:

“Through his policies, President Trump has empowered Border Patrol and immigration enforcement agents to do their jobs. Because of the President’s actions, we are already seeing results. Illegal border crossings are down 40 percent at the Southwest border. This is not happenstance; it’s a direct result of strong enforcement of the law.”

Specifically, what Goodlatte is talking about comes from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency of the Department of Homeland Security:

“Since the Administration’s implementation of Executive Orders to enforce immigration laws, apprehensions and inadmissible activity is trending toward the lowest monthly total in at least the last five years.”

Imagine that. Enforcing the law works!

Not so happy…
Apparently, Lynchburg and Charlottesville are happy enough to carry the rest of us Debbie Downers in the commonwealth up to being the 21st happiest state in the nation.

Good read…
The Trump Hotel: An unlikely model for modernizing schools (GEORGE ALLEN, PAUL GOLDMAN and MARK J. ROZELL)
Trump benefited from a valuable tax credit for his new hotel—and schools should be able to do so too. 
When the Trump Organization won the right to modernize the government-owned Old Post Office building in Washington into a hotel, beating other top developers, it promised to use only private capital — likely around $200 million — to fund the effort. In return, the Trump Organization got a long-term lease on the coveted property.

Bracket Time
 Now is your chance for bragging rights and the opportunity to be the best bracketologist in the conservative commonwealth. Submit your picks in our annual “Adam Perry Challenge”. If you’re awesome and win, we might even give you a prize. Maybe. If we like you. At a minimum, you’ll be able to tell people in the General Assembly building how great you are. We know….we know…most of you do that anyway.

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