Day 1 Included Prayer Breakfast, Convening 2017 General Assembly, State of the Commonwealth Address

Richmond was clogged Wednesday when thousands converged on the capital city for the start of Virginia’s 2017 General Assembly. Reports alerted of backups and traffic snarls with leftover snow issues and lane closures in addition to legislators, guests, and curiosity seekers working their way to the downtown area.

Session was convened at noon. Two of its newest members, Delegate Rocky Holcomb and Senator Mark Peake, had barely 12 hours from learning they had won their special elections until time to get to Richmond, settled in, and ready to legislate.

The day kicked off with the traditional and always popular Prayer Breakfast at 7:00 a.m. The room was packed with legislators, staffers, other elected officials, business leaders, clergy, students, and guests who listened to author and national faith community leader Gabe Lyons as well as former Virginia U.S. Senator Paul Trible.

Live-streamed at 7:00 p.m., Governor Terry McAuliffe delivered his State of the Commonwealth Address to legislators in the House Chamber of the Capitol building followed by the Republican response from Virginia Beach Delegate Ronald Villanueva and Henrico’s Senator Siobhan Dunnavant. A recap by political reporter Graham Moomaw in the Richmond Times-Dispatch noted that the governor’s remarks were “an ode to bipartisanship over the past three years of divided government and a renewed plea for cooperation in the year ahead.”

Photos tell more than any words, and the always energetic Bob Brown’s fabulous photos of the first day can be found at the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Noting that the first day had a high school reunion feel to it, reporter Jordan Pascale with the Virginian-Pilot captured the essence of statewide colleagues gathering in the capital.

As Day 2 begins in Richmond, legislators will turn their attention to the budget and the need to address a reported revenue shortfall of $1.5 billion. To stay up-to-date on bills and other information, check out the General Assembly website.

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