Tuesday — Vote Mark Peake for State Senate

mark-peake-8Mark Peake, Republican candidate for the Special Election on Tuesday for the 22nd State Senate District, is out today in the snow, wind, and cold working with Peter Finocchio, going door-to-door to meet voters and ask for their support.

The 22nd District covers part of Lynchburg City, Amherst County, Appomattox County, Buckingham County, Cumberland County, Fluvanna County, Goochland County, and part of Louisa County.

This race will decide the balance of power in the senate. If Mark wins, Republicans will have control. If he loses, it will be tied up 20-20 and the Democratic lieutenant governor will break the tie. It all comes down to turnout. General Assembly convenes the next day, Wednesday, January 11.




“Mark Peake would be an excellent addition to the State Senate, carrying on the conservative principals that are needed for Virginia. We need Mark Peake in the State Senate.” -Marty Williams, Immediate Past State President of the FOP of Virginia and 3rd district Congressional candidate

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