2016: A Fresh Coat of Paint

Perhaps it really was putting lipstick on a pig, but Bearing Drift got a major overhaul in 2016. And so did our country. In this, the final episode of Virginia Politics On Demand for 2016, Jim and Brian talk about that as well as why we don’t endorse as a website – and why Jim was an idiot for doing it personally. They also reflect on the loss of Carrie Fisher and what she meant to them, some discussion about the new Star Wars movie, Rogue One (warning, there are some spoilers), why Jim thinks Vivian Paige is awesome, the importance of not shouting at one another, the expectation of the rise of protests now that a Republican is president, what they think Governor Terry McAuliffe might do in his last General Assembly session, how Republicans need to focus on the bigger picture in 2017, props to Jen McClellan for coming on the podcast this year and what to expect out of this new podcast format and politics in 2017.

VPOD can always be heard on demand at Bearing Drift. Or you can take the show with you wherever you go by subscribing via iTunes. Jim’s favorite way to listen to podcasts is through his phone and connect it via bluetooth to his car radio (or, in his wife’s car, via the USB input) and listen during commutes. Or you can download it to your MP3 player. Or you can stream right here on the desktop by clicking this player:


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