McAuliffe is Scandalous, But Not for His PAC Spending

As alluded to yesterday in my Last Word post, we wake up and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe is involved in another “scandal.”

The sun also rose.

This from the real estate agent for the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House and the man who gave us GreenTech.

Are we really surprised that McAuliffe would be involved in a situation where the appearance of impropriety exists?

In this case, McAuliffe’s PAC, the Common Good PAC, contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to Dr. Jill McCabe’s failed senate campaign against State Sen. Dick Black. This race was one which Democrats felt they could win in order to take the senate back – important for them to influence public policy.

McCabe’s husband shortly thereafter became a deputy director in the FBI that investigated Hillary Clinton’s emails.

Scandal! There must be a quid pro quo!

Stop it.

Everything McAuliffe does is not worthy of a Freedom of Information Act query.

Seriously, what else did we think McAuliffe was going to do with the PAC money? Play the ponies?

No, in this case, there really is no scandal. (Of course, I’m the same guy who said that an executive chef, a diet supplement based on tobacco byproduct, and a couple gifts was no biggie either.)

If I were Black, I’d actually be pretty annoyed that the Republican Party of Virginia labeled McCabe as a “political neophyte” and that the DPVA’s recruited challenger to him was nothing but a pawn in a McAuliffe-Clinton powerplay. Black ran a great campaign and held the line for the GOP, otherwise our current state policy could be a lot different…and worse than it even is right now.

No. I don’t really think Machiavelli was at play here.

After thirty years of Whitewater to Chinagate to Haiti pay-for-play to Greentech – there are far more legitimate issues to be concerned about regarding the alleged nefarious schemes of the McAuliffe-Clinton partnership. This is not one of them.

Perhaps it’s that I am growing numb to these political games when there are so many other more serious things at stake: Medicaid Expansion is looming in the next state budget, along with shortfalls and layoffs, not to mention the latest absurdity involving the Virginia Board of Health.

Again, more games. Today, the Democratic Party of Virginia chose to release a website that tries to portray Republican gubernatorial candidates as reckless because they dare support their party’s presidential nominee.

This from the same party that twenty years ago gave us President Bill Clinton who bragged that they wanted to make abortion “safe, rare, and legal.”

“But abortion should not only be — abortion should not only be safe and legal, it should be rare.”

Well, last I checked, it’s been legal for more than forty years. And, as far as safe goes, by an 11-4 vote, the Board of Health yesterday voted to overturn practical safety measures for abortion clinics. Now, they’re less safe.

It’s pretty clear that Democrats don’t care about abortion safety, just so long as it’s available. Available, according to Hillary Clinton, to the moment of birth.

One wonders if Democrats really believe it should even be rare? It’s not as if they’re proposing legislation to make it so.

So, as you can see – there’s much more that we need to be concerned about than games and pettiness from the political parties. McAuliffe’s PAC donations are not one of them.

Beware of the fog and diversions. There’s a lot of work to be done.

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