McConville: What Are You Going to Do Now?

by Jay McConville

It is official, we, the Grand Old Party, have our nominee. After a long fight, with twists and turns, highs and lows, and an end-of-game Hail Mary pass that landed incomplete, the people of our party have chosen Donald J. Trump as the standard bearer, the leader of the movement, the face of our organization, and the hope for a better future. As someone who supported first Carly Fiorina, then Marco Rubio and finally Ted Cruz it is time for me to make a decision.

Friends and relatives want to know, “whatcha gonna do?” As a former candidate and former Chairman of the Republican Committee in Virginia’s largest county, I don’t think it’s self-serving to point out that there are people who are interested in how I will answer that question. I get it, in various forms, almost every day. I am sure others, probably millions, do as well. More importantly I ask it of myself constantly. “So Jay, whatcha gonna do?” I take these things seriously, and I have had many sleepless nights during this campaign wondering what my answer would be. From the time it looked inevitable, right up to the moment when New York, the state of my birth, cast the “over the top” votes and made Donald J. Trump the nominee, I struggled with that question. Some days I thought I knew. Some days I said never. Some days I said maybe. Some days I said I would have to support the eventual nominee. Those days must now be over. It is time to decide.

I would be lying if I did not admit that I have reservations. Yes, I wanted an outsider, thus my support for Carly. But this outsider? I am concerned about demeanor, as I want the office of the President to be respected. I worry about rancor, as I want my nation to unite. I worry about fairness, as I want all citizens, regardless of color or creed, to feel welcome in our political process. I worry about experience, given the risks that surround us both abroad and here at home. And I worry about character, as I want a leader who will respect all citizens and the Constitution.

Frankly, even after all that, my biggest worry is, and continues to be, the massive harm that I believe will come to our country, and in fact the world, should Hillary Clinton be elected. The message that would send to our citizens, young and old, and to the rest of the world makes me cringe. Embroiled in several current scandals, and tarnished by many others from the past, this untrustworthy, double-dealing, pandering and dishonestly leftist and power-obsessed politician is not fit for the office. To place the military in her hands, to entrust her with our secrets, our fight against terror, our relations with foreign governments, our safety here at home, our Supreme Court nominations, our economy, our budget and the running of our executive branch, given her record of self-serving corruption, is unfathomable. The email scandal alone, in which she risked the highest and most classified of our secrets for “convenience” and was caught red-handed willfully concealing her official correspondence from the American public is enough to disqualify her. The fact that she then lied about it over and over, and continues to do so, is enough. Her apparently deeply held belief that laws apply to others, but not to her, is enough. Her boldface lying to the American people about the Benghazi attack is enough. Her Machiavellian rise to power is enough. But the message we would send by honoring such a person with the title “President of the United States” would be the most tragic consequence of electing her. So . . . whatcha gonna do?

There is only one answer. Virginia Delegate Scott Lingamfelter put it well. It’s binary. You either support Donald J. Trump, or you help elect Hillary Clinton. So . . . whatcha gonna do?

So, it’s time for me to step up to the mic.  Here is what I am going to do.

I am going to support the Republican nominee for President of the United States because I believe that the policies and principles of the Republican Party are what this nation needs. I believe we must change the way Washington works, that we need smaller, more efficient, less intrusive government. I believe that our citizens benefit most when they are free to pursue their dreams their way, not hampered, coddled, or throttled by government. I believe in the sanctity of life, and the unalienable rights so beautifully articulated in our Constitution. I believe in free enterprise, low taxes, balanced budgets and that a strong defense is the best guarantee of peace. I despise “political correctness,” and cherish an open and honest exchange of ideas. I believe in the rule of law, that our courts and our executive branch should not usurp the law-making power of the legislature, and that a government of, by and for the people is the only chance we have to continue the great legacy of this nation for generations to come.

The task in front of all Republicans is to ensure that our nominee believes these things as well. More importantly we must insist that his actions, policies, appointments and energy are dedicated to serving them. The nation needs the Republican Party to win, and we must ensure that the Party remains the party of Lincoln and of Reagan. Now is not the time to leave the field, to abandon the effort, to cede leadership to those who may feel or act otherwise and give away our party. Now is the time to exercise our control over our GOP.

So while I may never have climbed aboard the Trump Train, I am going to do my part to ensure that it checks into the right station, and that it is not derailed by the Corrupt Clinton Express. I am going to support Donald Trump, but not silently. I am going to insist, and I ask all Republicans to do likewise, that he leads our party in a way and in a direction that reflects the policies and principles that made us the Grand Old Party we love so much. The power to achieve victory is in our hands, and Donald Trump is smart enough to know that. Let us use this power to influence, inform and shape his candidacy. Our nation’s future depends on it.

Jay McConville is a former chairman of the Fairfax County Republican Committee and a former candidate for Virginia House of Delegates. 

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