VPOD: Ed Gillespie, Let’s Grow VA

Ed Gillespie has a PAC – Lets Grow, Virginia! – which is designed to elect Republicans here in 2016 and beyond.

It also serves as a launching point for his gubernatorial aspirations in 2017.

gillespie_road_tripGillespie and his wife of 29 years, Cathy, have embarked on a cross-Virginia excursion along U.S. 58 that began Thursday in the Eastern Shore of Virginia. They were in Virginia Beach Friday and I had the chance to catch up with him for a few minutes to talk about the PAC, his likely campaign, and current events.

Specifically, Gillespie discusses his desire to be a servant leader, growing Virginia’s economy (without having to get into bidding wars with other states), having respect for the rule of law, among other topics. I asked him how a Governor Gillespie would differ from our current governor, Gov. Terry McAuliffe.

Regarding current events, we delve a little into McAuliffe’s restoration of civil rights for 206,000 Virginia felons and his support for the Virginia GOP lawsuit.

We also discuss primaries v. conventions and he did talk about Attorney General Mark Herring’s job performance.


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