The Fifth District GOP Convention Nominates State Senator Tom Garrett for Congress

The Virginia Fifth District Republican committee held their convention for Congressman and other party elected officials. Sadly, we couldn’t make it to the Fifth District Convention today (your’s truly was knocking doors for Congressman Goodlatte). However, thanks to our friend John Hernandez with Milennial Ascent and Lynchburg News and Advance reporter Alex Rohr, we are able to report what has happened thus far.

There were four candidates to begin with. The first ballot results were:

1. Michael Del Rosso 32.25%

2. State Senator Tom Garret 29.95%

3. Joe Whited 20.3%

4. Jim McKelvey 17.5%

Per the rules of the convention, Mr. McKelvey was then eliminated. He then endorsed Senator Tom Garrett, which boosted Senator Garrett’s results on the second ballot. The second ballot results were:

1. State Senator Tom Garrett 45.42%

2. Michael Del Rosso 36.32%

3. Joe Whited 18.46%

Per the rules of the convention, Mr. Whited was eliminated. Mr. Whited did not choose to endorse either remaining candidate after leaving the ballot.

Currently, we are waiting on the results from the third ballot. Stay tuned to Bearing Drift for more coverage on the VA05 Congressional race.

 UPDATED: With numerous sources reporting, it looks like Tom Garrett has won the nomination for Congress by at margin of 16% (58% to 42% going to Mr. Del Rosso). Congratulations Senator Garrett!

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