Whitbeck, Blackwell, Dunbar win; Cruz does well with ‘second ballot’ delegates

With no one managing to garner more than 50 percent of the vote for Republican National Committeewoman on the first ballot, delegates will have to vote one more time at the state party convention at James Madison University.

Audrey Dutton is said to have come in third, so the race will be a straight head-head between the two more known candidates, Suzanne Obenshain and Cynthia Dunbar.

Update: Dunbar leads Obenshain after the first ballot by two-tenths of a percentage.

Update 2: John Whitbeck is elected as RPV Chairman and Morton Blackwell returns for his eighth term as national committeeman.

Update 3: In a close second ballot vote, Dunbar wins national committeewoman race.

Additionally, a slate of “second ballot” national convention delegates – 3 for Trump and 10 for Cruz won today.

Virginia National Delegates:

Ken Cucinelli
Virginia Thomas
Anne Gentry
Cynthia Dunbar
Matthew Hurtt
Chris Shores
Subba Kolla
Bethany Bostrom
Del. Kathy Byron
Del. Tim Hugo
Jack Salm
Ellen Nau
Leon Benjamin

This was cut and pasted from RPV, so we apologize to Ken and Bethany for the misspellings.

RPV Chairman John Whitbeck noted, “We walk out of this convention unified in defeating Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. This was an excellent weekend for Virginia Republicans and we look forward to Cleveland and more importantly winning Virginia and the White House in November.”

Now that it’s over, were you there? Even if you weren’t, what were your thoughts? Take our quick survey.

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