Gillespie Warchest Grows: $616,000 Cash On Hand

Gillespie continues to grow a rather impressive warchest for his political action committee, raising nearly $750,000 in the first four months and keeping $616,000 on hand.  From the press release:

Let’s Grow, Virginia!, Ed Gillespie’s leadership PAC, announced today it has raised $749,000 since its launch in November. The PAC concluded the first quarter of 2016 with $616,000 cash on hand, after raising an additional $266,000 in the period.

Gillespie, who has never served in statewide office, is currently on pace to raise $1 million by the next report, which is due in July.

Message sent: Gillespie is one hell of a fundraiser.

Message received?  Best of luck if you’re going to challenge him.

Of course, this probably will not deter any of the other presumptive names who are still considering a gubernatorial bid.  Ken Cuccinelli’s bid for governor remains the worst-kept secret in Washington, as both PWC chairman Corey Stewart and Rep. Rob Wittman are both still on the hustings.  Other notables for the gubernatorial spot is former RPV Finance Chairman and 2013 lieutenant governor contender Pete Snyder, who is still weighing the scales between a gubernatorial or another bid for lieutenant governor.

In the governor-lite category, State Senator Jill Vogel has already thrown her hat in the ring, while State Senator Bryce Reeves remains in the hunt.  Del. Glenn Davis out of Virginia Beach has already thrown in, while several others — former U.S. Senate candidate Shak Hill among them — strongly considering bids as well.

Del. Rob Bell and McGuire Woods attorney John Adams are currently locked in a gentlemanly race for Attorney General, a race reminiscent of the Obenshain-Bell race in 2013 that impressed onlookers for its tone and civility.

Nevertheless, Gillespie does seem to be laying the groundwork for resources.  In a potential five way (or more) split for the gubernatorial bid, should the format be a convention — which is highly speculative given stronger-than-rumors of a primary being “locked in” once the RPV leadership races are resolved — one can expect many others to throw in regardless of the format.

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