Germany demands rational pi to be included in next Greek bailout deal

In what could be an attempt to deflect from domestic troubles, the German government has placed “an end to irrational pi” as a condition of any future Greek bailout program.

“The time for endless numbers is itself coming to an end,” declared Angela Merkel, German Chancellor since 2005. “We have given Greece plenty of time, space, and budget relief. They need to recognize that Europe has reached its limit with funds and with numbers.”

The Social Democrats, coalition partners to Merkel’s Christian Democratic Party, echoed those concerns. Sigmar Gabriel spoke for the party he led in declaring, “the pi situation must come to an end; this is the SDP position as well. The German people and the people of Europe will not tolerate this issue going around in circles.”

The Greek government responded by accusing the Germans of “insulting the Greek people” and said such a request is “outside the sphere of discussion.”

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