Trump: “You’re Not Angry People”

I’d disagree.

Scenes such as this are straight from the 1930s, folks.  And while I get it regarding disruptors and the professional left who love nothing more than to make a scene and harass, when that strays into members of the media?  That’s allowing our emotions to get in the way.

The video from the Washington Post tells the tale.  Whether or not you believe the U.S. Secret Service to be in the right or in the wrong (personally, that’s in the wrong — you de-escalate, never escalate those kinds of conditions) and whether or not you believe the TIME photographer to be in the right or in the wrong (the man stepped 18 inches outside the media cage), one has to admit: this is not healthy for the public discourse.

The rush to strongman politics typically results in strongman policies.  Great when you’re the beneficiary, but horrible both when you’re the target and when the consequences come home.

Anger is no substitute for rectitude; principles are worthless without the values to underpin them.   Not that any of this concerns Trump or his supporters (or will), but let’s be very clear how this occured: Alinksy tactics, pushed too far against a reasonable people, result in strongman tactics.

This is reaction.  Nothing more.  But don’t dare call in conservative… there’s nothing in the rise of Trump that Buckley or Reagan would have respected.

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