Feeling Super!

Super-Tuesday-states-map1-e1456801632920Please listen to Bearing Drift’s own Brian Schoeneman, Norm Leahy, Matt Hall, and J.R. Hoeft hosted by WCHV’s Joe Thomas tonight for election analysis and interviews from 7-10 pm.

Listen Live here!

We have a great group of guests including Corey Stewart (Trump), Bret Coulson (Kasich) and Tim Hugo (Rubio) along with Paul Goldman (to break down what’s happening with the Democrats). Not to mention Congressional candidates from the 5th District!

Update: From John Whitbeck….

“It is not surprising that Hillary Clinton has prevailed in the Commonwealth. The battle with Bernie Sanders was significantly more difficult than anticipated and the amount of money and effort put into Virginia by Clinton and her leading cheerleader Terry McAuliffe proves that she has real problems convincing voters she is trustworthy and the right leader for this Country.”

Follow the results with us at The State Board of Elections.

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