Forbes shows broad, conservative support in 2nd District

The Forbes’ campaign recently released a truly amazing list of endorsements – libertarian, Tea Party, fiscally conservative, “establishment”, you name it.

One of those names is businessman Ben Loyola, who I was able to catch-up with recently to talk about Rep. Randy Forbes declaring his candidacy for the Republican nomination in the 2nd Congressional District.

Loyola, a one-time candidate himself for the GOP congressional nod in 2010, sees Forbes’ candidacy as critical for the maritime and defense interests of the nation and recognized that the redistricting drawn by a Cal-Berkley professor didn’t tweak the 3rd District, but gutted the 4th District of several hundred thousand voters.

Listen to the Loyola interview.


As for the rest of the endorsements, this shows the incredible breadth of respect and support Rep. Forbes has.

These individuals represent a who’s who of some of the region’s most well-respected advocates for limited government, individual rights, and conservative values. Congressman Forbes has already been endorsed by former U.S. Senator John Warner, who served as Secretary of the Navy and Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, as well as over 30 Second District elected officials, and more than 100 of the Second District’s most influential executives and business leaders.

Here is what key conservative and grassroots leaders from across the Second District are saying about Congressman Forbes:

CAPT Ben Loyola, USN (Ret.), President, Loyola Enterprises, Inc.: “We can count on Randy Forbes to fight for lower taxes, less regulation, and less of Washington in our lives. Our men and women in uniform have a great defender and friend in Randy. There is no better friend and neighbor than Randy Forbes to represent us in Congress.”

Delegate Brenda Pogge, James City County, York County: “With an unrivaled record of standing for conservative values in Congress, Randy Forbes is hands down the best choice for the Second District.”

Robert Dean, Former Councilman, City of Virginia Beach: “We need Congressman Forbes in Washington because he’s not afraid to stand up and fight for the ideas that limited government is best, and that the Second Amendment is not a suggestion. Instead of just talking about family values, Randy values families. He’s my choice for the Second.”

Nelson Velez, Conservative Grassroots Activist: “I have come to trust Randy Forbes through his time and efforts in Congress as my representative. I have found Congressman Forbes to be a man of his word and accessible to the people he represents. He is a man of strong convictions and is a fighter on behalf of our Constitutional rights and our American heritage in Congress.”

James Cohen, Conservative Grassroots Activist: “Congressman Forbes is an unwavering conservative with deep roots in the Hampton Roads community and a proven record in Washington of fighting against cronyism, waste, and overspending. We need Randy in Congress fighting for our shared Republican values of limited government, fiscal responsibility, defending our constitutionally protected rights, and upholding individual liberty.”

Jack Kotvas, Esq., GOP Activist: “Forbes’ record of defending life and protecting every American’s right to live by their beliefs is second to none. His character is unquestionable and he’s fearless about standing up for faith, family, and freedom even if that means standing alone.”

CAPT Kenny Golden, USN (Ret.), Former Chairman, Republican Party of Virginia Beach:”Forbes’ leadership on national security and his work on behalf of our men and women in uniform make him uniquely equipped to effectively serve and represent our region.”

Nicole Stuart, President, Top Guard Security: “As the mother of five children and owner of the largest, woman-owned company in Hampton Roads, I believe Randy Forbes is the strongest voice imaginable to represent our conservative, pro-family values in Congress.”

Congressman Forbes is one of only 17 Members of Congress to vote against every bailout and stimulus under both Presidents Bush and Obama. He has a 100% pro-life record, an A rating from the NRA, and has been named “Hero of the Taxpayer” by Americans for Tax Reform. He has also been recognized by the American Conservative Union for a strong voting record and his efforts to create a more efficient, effective government. Forbes has introduced legislation tying lawmakers salaries to government spending — so that the more they spend, the less they make — and supports auditing the Federal Reserve and Department of Defense, stopping the Syrian refugee program and securing our borders, and passing a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution.

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