SCOTUS to announce decision on accepting McDonnell case Monday morning

mcdonnellIt was widely reported that the US Supreme Court would decide today whether to accept the appeal of former Gov. Bob McDonnell.  Although that decision most likely was indeed made today at the justices’ Friday morning conference, the decision will not be announced until Monday morning.  According to SCOTUSblog:

We expect the Court to issue additional orders from its January 8 Conference at 9:30 a.m. on Monday.

Bob McDonnell has been the victim of layers of injustice, from an overzealous and politicized Obama “Justice” Department choosing to prosecute him under an interpretation of a law that neither McDonnell nor any one else ever could have fathomed, to a trial presided over by a judge (whose wife was denied a judgeship in the ’90s due in large part to then-Delegate McDonnell’s opposition) almost reflexively issuing rulings adverse to McDonnell and refusing even to read an amicus brief submitted by six former Virginia attorneys general in support of McDonnell, to a Fourth District Court of Appeals (with two-thirds of its judges appointed by Democrat presidents) affirming the unjust convictions in the trial court.

I pray – and believe – that the US Supreme Court will see these injustices for what they are and agree to accept this case.  We’ll find out Monday morning.

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