This is the best the DCCC can do against Barbara Comstock?

According to the Loudoun TimesDemocratic business woman LuAnn Bennett announced on Thursday that she is running for Congress. This wasn’t exactly a surprise, as her race wasn’t much of a secret after she was caught wearing a VA-10 badge at DCCC’s campaign school.  This is LuAnn’s campaign announcement.

Aside from the stilted delivery, seems like a good candidate, right? Small business woman, mother, grandma, right?


Thanks to the work of the NRCC and other media outlets, the media has now discovered the real life of Ms. Bennett. Once you get to know LuAnn’s background, we at Bearing Drift must respond with a little SNL humor.


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REALLY DCCC, REALLY? You picked a wealthy DC socialite, whose home address is the Ritz Carlton in Washington, to run for a congressional seat in Virginia. It’s like she doesn’t even realize there’s a Ritz Carlton in the 10th District.

No, this is not the Trump Tower. This is DC’s Tower of Power. Everyone who is anyone lives there (okay, not really, but they like to think so). Ambassadors, former Senators, and the rest of the inside-the-beltway crowd. Do you know who else lives down the hall?

Yup, everyone’s favorite Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. Harry lives in this building, and he paid a cool $1.7 million for his apartment.

Let me say that again, $1.7 MILLION. For an apartment.

And folks, it just keeps getting better and better.

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So you want to dump the apartment because you don’t need the hassle. No issues. But you do this AFTER you decide to run? Really LuAnn!? This is the kind of thing you take care of before you announce.

But for you well-heeled DC types, there’s a great bargain on the market.  If you want to help LuAnn in her quest to lose to Barbara Comstock, you can sublet LuAnn Bennett’s apartment for a cool $7,500 per month  That about $90,000 for one year. Do you know what you could buy for $90,000?

Actually no, you could buy more than one for $90,000!

Yes, you could pay CASH for THREE brand new Ford Mustangs for what LuAnn Bennett is subleasing her apartment for 1 year.  While this may play well in McLean, the Democrats in Virginia never seem to realize that the 10th District actually exists outside of Fairfax County.  Try explaining a $7500 a month rent charge to somebody in Winchester.

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On top of LuAnn’s swank apartment, she also has a horse ranch. Now one could assume that running for Congress in the 10th District, Ms. Bennett might have a ranch in Winchester or in Loudoun. Nope.  It’s in Fauquier. Anyone know who represents Fauquier?

Yes sir, our friend the gentleman from the 5th Congressional District, Robert Hurt. Robert Hurt has represented Fauquier since it has been redistricted in 2010. It’s not a bad little homestead, even if it’s in the wrong district.


Excuse me, can I interrupt this article for a moment of prayer?

Lord, please let this DC socialite lecture Congresswoman Comstock on the minimum wage, or Syrian Refugees, or for that matter Medicaid Expansion. As your book says, let (s)he who is without sin cast the first stone. 

Lord, please let Ms. Bennett throw a rock. 

How are we supposed to take this woman seriously? She’s going to lecture us about the plight of those less fortunate?  She’s going to tell us all that we need to pay higher taxes, and spout the same tired talking points about income inequality, before she heads home to the Ritz for tea with Dingy Harry?

Oh, I almost forgot. She’s a Democrat, which means she wants something good for herself, but everyone else to get stuck with the bill.

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Really, Democratic Party of Virginia? All those complaints about Morgan Griffith being a carpetbagger, a man who at the time lived an entire foot outside the district. Anybody remember these commercials?

DPVA and the media spent months blasting Morgan for living outside the district.

LuAnn Bennett’s homes are 20 and 30 miles away from the 10th District lines. Not a foot. So please, DPVA, do us a favor. Don’t try to justify Ms. Bennett living outside the district. You blasted Morgan Griffith for it. Now LuAnn is going to have to travel from outside the district (and pay those nasty $17 tolls to get there) to campaign.

Last, but certainly not least…

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We’d like to apologize – as much fun as it has been pointing out some of the many reasons why LuAnn Bennett made a bad decision in choosing to run in the 10th District, we forgot to mention this biggest reason:

Yes, our Congresswoman Barbara Comstock. One of the smartest, hardest working women in politics – not just Virginia politics, but national politics.  She’s actually been elected. 5 times in 5 years, Barbara has overcome the toughest of electoral odds, winning a Democratic district 4 of those 5 times, and winning the 10th District race in a blowout. No matter how hard they have tried, Barbara has crushed her opponents like mincemeat. Anyone want to be reminded of the last time she won an election? Barbara Comstock won her first Congressional election not just by one or five points. Not just six, no, Barbara won by SIXTEEN PERCENTAGE POINTS!

Barbara won the Democratic leaning 34th House District in the House of Delegates multiple times. Now, she’s got a much better district.

Larry Sabato and the Cook Political Report acknowledge this is a likely Republican seat. And no Democrat has ever won more than 42% of the vote. The Daily Kos even had this to say:

Some other Democratic names have been circulated, but if Bennett gets in, that probably means they’re staying out, given how difficult it will be to unseat GOP Rep. Barbara Comstock.

Even our dear misguided friends at Blue Virginia once admitted:

So here’s the thing: if Democrats don’t recruit a super-strong candidate soon, our chances of beating Comstock next year will start looking shaky at best. And here’s the other thing: if Comstock wins reelection next year, she’ll be entrenched in there and good luck ever defeating her (she’s ambitious, too, and could run for higher office – U.S. Senate, Governor, even President).

President Barbara Comstock. Now that has an awesome ring to it.

Lest we forget, it’s not like Barbara goes home everyday after work and just watches Jeopardy. We here at Bearing Drift have been convinced for a long time Barbara Comstock is either superhuman or she never sleeps, or both.  She is on-the-go every single day. Every weekend, Barbara is in district campaigning for herself or other down ballot candidates. She is as tireless as any Congresswoman could be standing up for her constituents.

Well, there you have it, folks. Off to another year of Comstock electoral dominance because the DCCC bet their chances on a bazillionare socialite who lives outside the Commonwealth.  Let’s hope this race is a little cheaper for them than the last one.





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