Fiorina is ninth candidate on Virginia’s GOP ballot

Super Tuesday, Mar. 1, 2016, gets more and more super as more and more GOP candidates pass the Republican Party of Virginia “pre-check” for the ballot in Virginia. RPV reviews the signatures first before submitting to the State Board of Elections for final approval.

Yesterday, Carly Fiorina became the ninth Republican to meet the 5000 signature/200 signature per congressional district requirement and earn her spot on the poll. Fiorina lives in Virginia.

“Carly Fiorina and her grassroots team have done an excellent job getting the necessary signatures to attain a spot on the Virginia ballot,” said RPV Chairman John Whitbeck. “I remain extremely impressed by the grassroots showing of all the campaigns that have thus far gone through the pre-check process. It is clear they understand how important Virginia is to the Republican Party and how critical it is to have a strong network in the Commonwealth.”

“Virginia is where my husband, Frank, and I met and married and where our family calls home, so it only made sense to move back to Virginia in 2011,” said Ms. Fiorina. “I am honored to have the necessary signatures to qualify for the ballot here in my home state, and I am grateful to the many Virginians who are supporting my campaign.”

The other candidates who have qualified include: Donald Trump, Governor John Kasich, former Governor Jeb Bush, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Chris Christie, Senator Lindsey Graham, and Senator Rand Paul.

The deadline for petition submission from the remaining campaigns is Thursday.

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