Presidential Wrestlers

In our most recent Washington Post column, Paul Goldman and I write that the approach Republicans, the press, and assorted others have taken regarding Donald Trump is all wrong.

He’s not a politician. And despite the mewlings of some, he’s not a fascist, a racist, a cad or a fiend (or even, really, a Republican). He’s an artist, of the pro-wrestling type (for those needing intellectual support for such a conclusion, we suggest Roland Barthes’s essay, “The World of Wrestling”). And even more, he’s a WWE hall of famer.

Take that, John Kasich.

With this in mind, we offer some suggestions for the rest of the field in advance of the next GOP debate in Las Vegas:

1. Laugh at all Trump insults. Indeed, encourage them.

2. When Trump points to polls saying you are losing, produce your own with you on top.

3. Whenever possible, taunt Trump about his past support for Clinton and other liberals.

4. Whenever asked to comment on Trump’s policies, say WrestleMania is all ad-lib.

5. Compliment Trump on his hair, teeth, clothes and tan and say your niece thinks he’s sexy.

6. When discussing Trump as commander in chief, challenge him to an arm-wrestling contest.

7. When praising Trump’s business acumen, refer to his hosting WrestleMania IV and V, a first.

8. Never utter a negative personal comment about Trump or any other wrestler. Obey. The. Code.

9. Defend him from those who compare wrestling fans to rednecks and losers.

10. Open the debate by brandishing a razor and promising to shave Trump’s head on national TV if he lies about anything tonight and refuses to apologize.

Or, if pressed for time, they could always take a few cues from Nacho…

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