The CNBC GOP Debate = Out Of Touch

The CNBC GOP Debate was focused on gaining ratings for a failing CNBC and nothing else. CNBC moderators tried to entice the candidates to fight one another versus facilitate a debate on real issues that matter to voters. Americans are struggling and CNBC wants our candidates to discuss fantasy football and who had student loans or preferred Colorado’s laws on Marijuana.

These questions and others like them were out of touch and did not reflect what voters really care about. Rubio was right: “the democrats have the biggest SuperPAC of all – the main stream media”.

Republican candidates Rubio, Cruz and Christie stood their ground and pushed back on these dirty tactics and tried to refocus the debate on what really mattered. These debates should focus on discussing solutions for rolling back government, addressing foreign policy issues, providing for national defense and stopping this trend of constitutionally illegal executive orders.

Presidential candidates should demonstrate their coherent understanding of the Constitution by talking about their ability to influence Congressional leaders to repeal Obamacare, reform the tax code, create real private sector jobs, deal with illegal immigration and countless other issues that Americans want real solutions for in 2016.



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